Sunday, April 14, 2013

I'm a food addict

I love food, I think I live to eat. Check out my food blog!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Irritated beyond

I have issues, I'll admit it. I hate my dad, since the day I got him back I hated him. Still do and I don't want him. Doesn't help, my mom is forcing me onto him. Bond or connecting with people is fine with me, but with the father that abandoned me, no thanks. I'll rather not have to. And she forces me, I hate being forced. I want out of it. I want gone. I hate him and I want him out of my life. Fuck this shit, fuck that stupid woman who thinks she can force me.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Feet plus mouth

I swear I put my mouth where my feet goes... I never think thoroughly what I should do and end up blurting nonsensical shit. I just have issues with thinking don't I? I can't take words back, I know that already and yet I do the silly things everyday. I should get the blabbermouth award of the year, is there such a category  I think I might win something in my life for once!

Friday, March 15, 2013

A long walk to remember

We, the graduating pupils of GYSS 2013 did a 12.9 KM walk from Bishan to Marina Barage. It was one of the more not so fond school activities I have done. I like walking but I don't like doing it with a group of people I don't really seem to like and I hate the pushing that come with it. The smart mouths that are present in every class that exists but the ones in my class seem to have thing for my unexplainable absence from school. Their criticism is irritating the shit out of me and I wish they would disappear from my life.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 1: things that make me happy

1) magical moments, eg. Like when the bubbles were released into the air during the end of the chingay parade.
2) fireworks, I look forward to any chance for me to see fireworks. I love looking at them explode into the sky in brilliant colors and that is magical. Wonderful.

Things I don't like and really like

I hate my crooked teeth, I don't care if it is cute in some countries. I live in Singapore and it looks horrible.
I hate my giant front pillows, I know there are tons of people that want them but they are BURDENS I tell you.
I hate my bad skin that comes with my periods, what a pain in the ars. Periods come once a month but the signs show 2 weeks before it comes and you have bad skin for 3 weeks of a month.
I hate my weight... I mean I can lose weight but I'm not determined enough.
I hate that I have no determination and perseverance.
I hate the fact that I'm bad at academics and everything that matters in the world.
I hate that I used to get tongue tied around boys because I came from a girl's school and I came off as crude.
I hate the fact that I can't get a guy to like me.
I hate the part of me that repels people.

I love my hair, no matter what I do to it I just shampoo and its shiny silky again.
I love that I can converse quite fluently.
I love that I have work experience.
I love that people think I am mature.
I love that I can write.
I love that I am a suitable candidate as a mom.
I love that I can talk to strangers and hold conversations with them okay.
I love that people are comfortable to ask me for advice.
I love that people think I'm wise enough to advice them.
I love that no one can see the side of me I don't want them to see.
I love that I act well and cover things up easily.
I love that I'm a natural liar.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

before I die list

Things I want to do before I die, must do
1. Go to London
2. Go to Japan
3. Go to Korea
4. Skydiving
5. Bungee Jumping
6. Trace my family tree
7. Be a bridesmaid
8. Go to Prom
9. Learn to surf
10. Go Snorkeling
11. Spend without thinking
12. Buffet without worrying
13. Road trip
14. Go on a holiday alone
15. Live alone for 1 month

The tighter I hold

I think it's at a point where I know it, but the people around me do not, I am apparently extremely sensitive. When I learn to love something, and want to grab hold of it not wanting to lose it something always happens and it slips away. The traumatizing fear of people, things leaving me has left me with unknowingly pushing others away afraid if I learn to like them, I would never want to leave them and if they eventually do I will be hurt by it again. I am just, sensitive.